CLC109 buffer
low-power/ wideband/ closed-loop buffer.low-power/ wideband/ closed-loop buffer.
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High small-signal bandwidth (270MHz) Low supply current (3.5mA @ ±5V) Low output impedance (2.8Ω) 350V/µs slew rate Single supply operation (0 to 3V supply m.
Requiring only 35mW of quiescent power (±5V supplies), the CLC109 offers a high bandwidth of 270MHz (0.5Vpp) and a slew.
The CLC109 is a high-performance, closed-loop monolithic buffer intended for power sensitive applications. Requiring only 35mW of quiescent power (±5V supplies), the CLC109 offers a high bandwidth of 270MHz (0.5Vpp) and a slew rate of 350V/µs. Even w.
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